• Earthquakes
Surface ruptures are probable along the major, youthful
N-S faults, located largely at the break in slope between the coastal
plain and the mountain slopes. As yet, no study has been done of the
paleoseismology of the faults, therefore, nothing is known of their
earthquake potential.
Ground shaking from moderate and large earthquakes
similar to the great Calabrian earthquake of 1783 (Sarcone, 1784)
would surely cause much damage to local construction.
Liquifaction is possible if water-saturated beach
sand exists beneath the present coast plain.
Earthquake-triggered Landslides and Rockfalls
are commonly shaken loose by earthquakes where slopes are steep,
rocks are weak, and rainfall may be high.
Landslide-dam bursts seem not such a great hazard
only because limited water flows in the canyons would fill up
a landslide dam slowly enough that the resultant lake could be
drained soon before a major lake could accumulate, except during
the times of heavy rainfall and flash floods.
Tsunami and Seiches are generated by earthquakes,
and major to major earthquakes are common is this part of the Mediterranean
• Floods and Debris Flows prevail in areas of
thundershowers and rapid runoff, as is common in southern Italy. Abundant
debris flow deposits and deep canyons attest to these hazards in the
study area.
• Landslides
- "Tutti in Calabria si muovi" is certainly true in the mountain
slopes underlain by weak rocks, especially in the Longobardi area.
Surface slips occur through the study area, especially
in the weak rocks.
Sackung are deep-seated landslides that may have
originated more than 40,000 years but are now buttressed by accumulated
marine sediments offshore.
• Storm Waves and Surge certainly may be expected
to affect the low, narrow coastal plain in the study area.